The Skill Quotient

We are all equal in the eyes of the law but do not for a second think that our calibers are the same. Once you reach a certain level of maturity you come…

Toxic Masculinity

Ever since I could remember, there were these unwritten laws for boys and girls. Whenever I would fall down and scrape my leg I was told to be brush it…

How to Get Rid of Sweat Pimple

After almost any sort of exercise, you inevitably sweat and in this climate sometimes even simply sitting could get you sweating. Sweat can cause dead…

Alcohol and Metabolism

We are all well aware of the harmful effects of alcohol that has on our body, just refreshing that list is how it affects our digestive and metabolism…

Do we all see the same color?

This is a fact that will keep us all thinking for some weeks – do we all see the same color? Sounds stupid?, let me give you an introduction first Growing…

What 'Shaking A Leg' Really Means

We all may have a friend or a family member who has a habit of shaking one’s leg during a conversation. I did a bit of research myself and it turns out…

Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance is a mental conflict that occurs when the beliefs or assumptions a person had gets contradicted by new information. All of us have…

Ingrown Hair

If you have curly hair, you must have probably had experience with ingrown hair on your legs which means that your hair re-grows back into your skin and…

Serum For the Inmates

Many nations have already removed themselves from the concept of capital punishment- death penalty for   a convict. Over the years several Nations adopted…

Dream Crying

Have you ever awoken from a dream and had to take a few minutes to reassure yourself that it was in fact just a dream, I have and that too several times.…

Favoritism Syndrome

Favoritism often called partiality in the bible really means; the favoring of one person or group over others with equal claims; biased or prejudiced…

Why We Shouldn’t Share Earphones

One might think it is very natural thing to split headphones in transit with your best friend or borrow them off a colleague at work but the truth remains…

Ear Safety Guidelines

Before I start let me clear off a common misconception people have and that is earwax isn't something bad, in fact it helps your ears by trapping…

Excessive Thirst

Feeling thirsty after a long walk, exercise or after having spicy food is normal but what if this thirst continues even after drinking water. This indicates…

Side Effects of Drinking Milk

For a long time it was believed that animal milk was an excellent source of calcium but recent studies reveal that calcium from animal milk is not absorbed…
