Excessive Thirst

Feeling thirsty after a long walk, exercise or after having spicy food is normal but what if this thirst continues even after drinking water. This indicates that you might have a rare condition called – excessive thirst.



•          Eating Salty or Spicy Foods

•          Illness

•          Strenuous Exercise

•          Significant Loss of Blood

•          Certain Prescription Medications

Serious medical conditions include:

•          Dehydration

•          Diabetes mellitus

•          Diabetes insipidus

•          Heart, liver, or kidney failure

•          Sepsis

You need to consult a medical professional when:

•          Persistent Thirst

•          Blurry vision,

•          Always fatigued

•          You are urinating more than five quarts a day

Certain fruits and vegetables that might help in keeping you hydrated include:


•          Celery

•          Watermelon

•          Tomatoes

•          Oranges

•          Melons

send us your own suggestions at 'www.meditour.in'
