Tips To Uplift Your Mood
Humans are indeed social animals and we not devoid of feelings. It is quite natural to find ourselves depressed at some points in a day. It could be the…
Tips to Moisturize Your Dry Skin
With the colder months approaching us, dry skin will surely be a problem for most of us. Today let us discuss on some simple home remedies for dry skin.…
Noise Pollution
In most cases we overlook this phenomenon but it is equally harmful as the rest of the pollutants. People are not aware of its adverse effects. Today…
Tips To Escape Exam Stress
We all have a friend that tenses up and become someone else during the exam times, if you don’t; it probably means you are that individual. Today let…
Caffeine Addiction &Withdrawal
In today’s world the people who rely on a cup of coffee in the morning to make their day better is on the increase. The caffeine in coffee is as addictive…
Tips To Remove Fleas Naturally
Those who have pets would clearly know the annoyance of having fleas. Your home becomes rather unclean in its presence. Today let us discuss on some…
Onion Juice To Fight Hair Fall
Scientific studies show that the use of onion juice on your hair has astounding results. It proves to be a remedy for hair loss, hair thinning and even…
Avoid Wrapping Foils
The use of aluminum foil in everyday use has become a common practice in every house hold. Whether it is to wrap up lunch for the kids or leftover for…
Tips To Keep Your House Roach Free
If there is one pest that we absolutely do not want in our home, its cockroaches. The scientific world claims that for every cockroach we see there are…
Benefits of Swimming in Sea Water
There is no doubt that swimming is one of the best exercises for the human body. Swimming in sea water has its own benefits. Today let us discuss these…
അഞ്ച് തരം ക്യാൻസറുകളെ ഇല്ലാതാക്കാൻ നമ്മുടെ വീട്ടിലുള്ള ഈ ഒരു ചെടി മതി!
അത്ഭുതങ്ങളുടെ മരം എന്നാണ് ഈ ചെടി അറിയപ്പെടുന്നത് തന്നെ. കാരണം അത്രയേറെ അത്ഭുതഗുണങ്ങള് ഇതിനുണ്ട് എന്നത് തന്നെയാണ് ഇതിന്റെ പ്രത്യേകത. വിദേശിയായാണ് ജനിച്ചതെങ്കിലും…
Shoulder Pain May Suggest Increased Heart Disease Risk: Study
LOS ANGELES: Your shoulder pain may not just be a result of excessive physical strain, say scientists who warn that the condition could point to an increased…