Toxic Masculinity

Ever since I could remember, there were these unwritten laws for boys and girls. Whenever I would fall down and scrape my leg I was told to be brush it off and stand up, wipe away my tears and try again. Growing up every time I followed a hobby that girls enjoy as well such as singing, cooking or dancing I would get a subtle laughter and a non-approval nod, so I let go off the things I loved. When I fell for a beautiful girl I was not sure how to express my self and for the same reason she left me. When I was destroying my body and resorted to help the only words I got were to stay strong, you are a man. My older brother was always an inspiration to me and when he took his life fighting the same battle I fought our entire family was devastated and on his funeral my grandfather told my dad to stay strong for everyone. I knew then that this is not the right way. Shedding a tear when you are sad or having a strong feeling towards something or someone does not make you any less of a man.

Today, I raise my son without these toxic masculinities and have asked him to embrace his feelings and emotions.

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