Tips To Escape Exam Stress

We all have a friend that tenses up and become someone else during the exam times, if you don’t; it probably means you are that individual. Today let us discuss on certain tips to deal with exam stress


  • Break Time: Always take adequate amounts of break. Prepare your schedule so that you have enough time to rest and relax and even catch that movie with your friends.
  • Sleep Well: Never compromise on the essentials such as adequate amounts of sleep, food and hygiene. Avoiding these fundamentals will have adverse effects on your study routine.
  • Avoid isolation: People have the misconception that if you stay inside your room with all your study materials, then you will grasp knowledge faster. The only thing you will gain faster will be a mental issue if you spend too much time in isolation.
  • Have Fun: The problem is when someone is having fun near the exam times it is generally frowned upon by parents and teachers alike. But it is always welcoming to take a heavy breather.


If you have your own personal tips, do write to us at

