Yelling while Arguing

Have you ever noticed that people in the heat of an argument often raise their voice and sometimes even resort to yelling. In all honesty one should yell when hit our thumb with a hammer, when we are frightened, or when we are excited, not while we are conversing with a fellow human being. In fact every time you shout while talking you are in fact damaging your ability to be a better communicator and secure cooperation. Many people believe that shouting justifies the use of force, as they respond to a verbal assault with physical force in an attempt to preempt the threatening behavior by another person which is in fact not true at all. The louder the voice, the higher the intensity of anger and this can quickly escalate to physical confrontations. The feeling conveyed in our voice makes more impact and this is why is we can’t always recall the exact words spoken, but clearly remember how we felt. A general tip to follow is that if you are trying to convince someone of something, its best not to scream at their face.

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