Why you shouldn't skip breakfast

In our fast paced life we often don't find time for our daily needs. Most of US occasionally skip our first meal of the day. Today let us discuss bring the following this trend.


1. Health benefits: Studies reveal that those who skipped breakfast have a 27 % higher risk of CHD compared with those who don't. Regularly eating breakfast can also decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes.


2. Energy boost: It has been revealed that consuming a high fibre and low carbohydrate breakfast will make you feel less tired during the whole day.


3. Improves memory: A journal on adolescent health has revealed that those aged between the age of 13 to 20, when a high energy breakfast had has an immediate effect on the short term memory.


4. Burns calories: Having breakfast is a great way to help burn unwanted calories. Having small meals throughout the day increases one's metabolism which is why people advice to having meals on fixed time.


5. Improves your mood: Psychology and physiology has revealed that those who have a healthy breakfast tends to be in a better mood the whole day than those who do not. When the body receives vital nutrients early morning it can make you feel more positive.


6. Improves concentration: We already spoke about how healthy breakfast improves energy as well as memory so it should not come as a surprise that it also improve one's concentration.

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