Why People Feel Cold More than Others

We all have that 1 friend who keeps asking us to turn off the air conditioning 5 minutes into a road trip. Some people feel cold very fast and in today’s edition let us discuss some of the reasons why it happens so


•          Poor health: More often than not people visit a doctor only when they are unwell and not before, periodic checkups will help you stay fit and getting cold quickly might just be a symptom of something big.

•          Underweight: When your BMI is below par, the body has less fat to burn up and keeps you warm and hence you feel cold quickly.

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•          Stress: When you are in stressful situations it is normal that the body drops in its natural temperature. The stress could be induced by fighting, excessive workloads, and busy schedules among several others.

•          Mental happiness: Researchers have found out that when you are happy, the body is always warm and fuzzy but if you are in a negative slump the body gets cold quickly.


There are a lot of ways to help fight this sudden temperature loss for example

1.        Drinking Soups

2.        Eating leafy vegetables

3.        Warmer Cloths or Thermals

4.        Having a positive mindset.

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