Tips to stop vomiting and nausea

Vomiting is your body's way of perching contaminated substances. Contrary to popular belief it is the brain that tells the body to vomit and not the stomach. Some cases we will feel uneasy and behave like we want to vomit. Today let us discuss some simple tips to avoid vomiting.

1. Deep breathing: Take deep breath through your nose and straight into your lungs. Exhale slowly through your mouth or your nose and relax after each breath repeat the same till you start feeling better.

2. Drink fluids: It is very critical to keep yourself hydrated in the chance you do vomit. There are also fluids that help ease nausea such as, ginger ale, mint tea, lemonade and even water.

3. Aromatherapy: From a young age we all probably heard that sniffing a raw lemon will help ease nausea. The same goes for Lemon oil and other essential oils.

4. Bland crackers: Dry crackers are a true remedy. They help absorb stomach acids. Dry toast and white rice are also good to eat in your recovery phase.

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