Tips to remove toxic people from your life

I am a firm believer that one’s own actions causes one’s own fault but sometimes you get assistance from some unwanted elements. Today let us discuss on some tips to remove these toxic people from your life.

1. Identify: The first step should always be to identify such individuals within your circle. Thy could be from work place or someone you knew once.

2. Change should not be expected: You must never believe such people to change nor should you try to force these changes on them.

3. Establish Boundaries: Make sure their influence stays within a boundary you have made, do not allow them to extend their reach.

4. Know your strengths and weekness: The very first thing you notice when you are in a toxic relationship is that they tend to use your weekness against you.

5. Be strong: Toxic people once latched on is quite hard to get rid of, so they will start throwing tantrums when they feel thry are ignored. One mustn’t fall for such tactics.

6. Save Energy and Time: Argument with a toxic individual is a big waste of time and energy so choose your battles carefully.

7. Surround yourself with good people: Once you find how a healthy relationship feels like you wouldn’t want to go back and you will be glad that such people are away from your life.

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