Tips To Keep In Mind When Something Enters Your Eyes

There is a saying that you do not value your eyes until you have lost it and that pretty much sums up our life. When we have the smallest of foreign objects persist in our eye for more than required time, it sends us into a frenzy and panic. Today let us discuss what all we should and shouldn’t do when we have an object in our eyes

•          Avoid rubbing or putting pressure on the eye

•          Never try to pluck out the object with a tweezer.

•          If you are wearing contact lenses, do not remove them unless and until there is any visible or noticeable change like swelling or inflammation.

Instead what you should be doing is

Fill a basin with water and immerse your face in it and repeatedly blink while submerged in water, this will help flush out any object if any.

If it still refuses to come out, repeat the same under the influence of running water.

If you experience any blurred vision after the removal of the object it is important that you visit a doctor immediately.
