Tips to escape Tired Mornings

Every one of us has woken up grumpy and tired and the same state lasted us the whole day. If we don’t snap out of it, the entire day gets ruined for us. Today let us discuss on some points to note on how to be free from this; both physically and mentally.

The Night Before

•  Avoid coffee, red wine and chocolate

•  Go to bed happy with your partner

•  Light meditation and prayer before you sleep is ideal

•  Do not sleep right after dinner

During the Night

•  The temperature of the room should not be too hot nor too cold

•  Allow fresh air, it is ideal to keep the windows open

•  Sleep at roughly the same time

The Morning

• Drink a glass of water on an empty stomach

• Light yoga or exercise is advised

• Look forward to something that you are excited about today

• Don’t lazy around, get up straight away
