The Disposable Era

As the medical sector in India keeps growing one also needs to recognize, there exists a variety of needs in healthcare and we must ensure that we do not limit our designs to one particular medical area. The fast-paced medical world we see around us mandatory needs disposable medical products so that it can keep up with all the other sectors present. The advantages of disposable products are many:

•          Decontamination: Disposable products automatically ensure a contamination free area as you use these products only for one procedure and dispose of them.

•          Traceability: Once an instrument is used and is supposedly disinfected, its cleanliness isn’t cent per cent traceable. One-time use ensures that this doubt doesn’t even occur.

•          Waste: Even though one may argue that in this scenario the quantity of wastes that are generated is increasing, it stands to reason that the wastes thus created do not harm the environment one bit as they get degraded into the soil.

These are merely the top benefits that medical disposables and probe covers provide In Kerala, the wastes generated by medical establishments are increasing at an alarming rate and no optimum solution to dispose of these waste materials has been implemented. Therefore in all regards making use of disposable medical products is the ideal solution.
