Sun Stroke

Sun Stroke or Heat stroke is a form of hyperthermia or heat-related illness that occurs when the  body temperature increases abnormally leading to physical symptoms as well as change in the nervous system function. It is a true medical emergency that is often fatal if not properly and promptly treated. In extreme heat, high humidity, or vigorous physical exertion under the sun, the body may not be able to sufficiently dissipate the heat generated as a result of metabolism and it might rise to over 41ºC.


•                   High Body Temperature

•                   Fatigue,

•                   Nausea,

•                   Vomiting

•                   Disorientation,

•                   Headache,

•                   Muscle Cramps

•                   Dizziness.

However, some individuals can develop symptoms of heat stroke suddenly and rapidly without warning.


Get the victim away from the sun. Remove their clothes and hydrate the body. Spray water on their body and get them to drink as much as possible. Continue this process until he is feeling better. If the victim loses conscious or starts turning red rush him to the nearest medical facility.

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