Steps For A Good Night’s Sleep

One of GOD’s greatest creations to humans is the need for us to sleep. A good night’s sleep will do wonders for the mind, body and soul but not all of us are lucky in that aspect. There are several of us who struggle to have a sound sleep daily. In today’s edition let us discuss on some tips to helps give you that much needed sleep.

  • Dinner: Have a tummy full dinner and make sure to include turkey, chicken, banana or milk in that dinner as they contain tryptophan which is an amino acid that secretes serotonin, a chemical that the brain creates to make you sleep. Avoid caffeinated beverages at night.
  • Avoid Smoking and Drinking: Even though some people drink to get themselves to sleep it’s not a useful trait as the effect will soon wear off and you will wake up in the middle of night. The nicotine present in the cigars stimulates the nervous system and interferes in your sleeping habit.
  • The right Smell: Lavender and Jasmine essentials have tranquilizing effect on the body. Applying their oil on the wrists or forehead or even an aromatic bath just before bedtime will help give you a sound sleep.
  • Keep a schedule: If you follow a schedule and hit the bed the same time every night the body automatically gets in tuned and there is more chance of you falling asleep the same time.
  • Bedroom: Keep your bed and bed room clean and tidy, so you feel a sense of comfort while sleeping in

