

Snoring, like any other sound is caused by the vibrations that cause particles in the air to form sound waves.

While we are asleep the area at the back of the throat sometimes narrows as the muscles relax, and even close off temporarily and the same amount of air can cause the tissues of the palate and throat to vibrate, giving rise to snoring. Different people who snore have different reasons for the narrowing. The narrowing can be in the nose, mouth, or throat. 

Our Sleep cycle consists of many stages but we can divide it into mainly 2

•          Rapid Eye Movement (REM)

•          And Non REM

Snoring is most common in REM cycle. It is during this cycle that the brain sends the signal to all the muscles of the body (except the breathing muscles) to relax. Unfortunately, the tongue, palate, and throat can collapse when they relax. This can cause the airway to narrow and worsen snoring.
