Short Term Memory Loss

Short-term memory is the process of temporarily storing small bits of information for a very short amount of time. This kind of information quickly disappears unless you make a point to try to remember it like name of a person you just met or the time of a meeting. The ability to discard useless information is absolutely necessary to keep your brain from being overwhelmed. According to psychology the human brain can store seven pieces of information in our short-term memory, give or take two during a particular moment. Most people wrongly equate short-term memory loss with dementia, rest assured that not all memory loss is caused by dementia and most memory loss is not serious. Some short-term memory loss that falls within the normal range are:

• Misplacing objects that you often use

• Not being able to place the right word during a conversation

• Forgetting something you just read

• Walking into a room and not remembering why

• Calling people you know very well by a wrong name


Signs of serious memory loss include:

• Losing your way back home

• Having a hard time following a movie plot

• Struggling to keep pace with daily tasks like paying bills or preparing meals

• Not remembering whether you have eaten your meals or not

• Asking the same question periodically


Short Term Memory Loss can be more serious especially if the cause is an underlying health condition or the side effect of a medication and is always advised to discuss your situation with your doctor.

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