Pet Friendly Home

Among all the enquiries I get regarding house decorations and cleaning a good 50% comes from pet owners who have very specific questions but let me give all of you some general tips.

•  Vacuum: The best form of cleaning would be to vacuum because there will always be that hair ball or fur that you missed and if you have pets of the hairy version it is always advised to vacuum twice in a day.

•  Stain resistant fabrics: Especially in the living room where your guests come in and judge you it is always nice to keep the fabrics stain proof. My personal suggestion would be ‘Crypton’ a lifesaving fabric that is resistant towards stains and smells. Leather is a good second choice.

•  Avoid carpets: Carpets are like sponges but they only absorb bad odors, pet hairs and fur. Not to mention cleaning them is a big mess in itself.

•  Keep your pet clean: Many of you might take that as an insult but it is among the most important things to keep in mind. Less hair fall, trimmed toe nails can’t scratch on any surfaces and by bathing your pet regularly you needn’t wash your furniture that regularly.

•  Match your interiors to your pet’s fur: A pet is as much part of the household as anyone else and if you don’t believe in this concept you are not fit to have one, so when selecting the paint color, the furniture texture and even the floor, always choose something that matches well to the pet’s fur color.

•  Toys for your pets: I think it’s always a safe investment to spend some money on toys for the pets to chew on rather than spend a fortune to replace the otherwise chewable expensive furniture.
