

There are many causes of nosebleeds. Dry air is the most common cause of nosebleeds. If you are living in a dry climate it can dry out the nasal membranes, thereby causing crusting inside the nose which leads to the nose being picked and therefore causing it to bleed.

Other common causes include:

•          Repeated Sneezing

•          Injury to the Nose

•          Chemical Irritants

•          Foreign Object Stuck In the Nose

•          Upper Respiratory Infection


There are two types of nosebleeds -

•          Anterior nosebleed: It occurs when the blood vessels in the front of the nose break and bleed

•          Posterior nosebleed occurs in the back or the deepest part of the nose. In this case, blood flows down the back of the throat

Posterior nosebleeds are more dangerous than anterior nosebleeds.

Home Treatment

Sit up, squeeze the soft part of your nose. And make sure that your nostrils are fully closed for up to 10 minutes, lean forward slightly, and breathe through your mouth. Avoid lying down to stop the nose bleed as it can lead to swallowing blood. After 10 minutes check if the bleeding has stopped and continue this process till it does.

If your nose bleeds continuous for over 20 minutes or periodically or right after a fall or injury immediately consult a doctor.


•          Limit the use of a humidifier

•          Avoid picking your nose.

•          Limit your intake of aspirin

•          Use antihistamines and decongestants in moderation.


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