Misconception about Weight Loss

A good friend of mine is on a mission to lose weight and she keeps telling me all the things she reads. While some of them contradict each other, some others blatantly don’t make sense. Today let me help her and all others trying to lose weight by telling you certain misconceptions you have about losing weight.

  • Skipping Meals does not help: In fact it also worsens the situation. When you skip one meal you automatically end up eating more in your next meal and if you purposely starve, you are just hurting yourself as the body is not getting enough nutrients.
  • Quality over Quantity: It isn’t how much you eat but what you eat. High fat and high calorie edibles, even in minimum amounts will increase your weight.
  • Working Out: No matter how much you work out, if your diet is not apt you will fatten up.
  • Desserts can be eaten: During dieting people stay away from their favorite foods. I repeat myself there is no harm in consuming your favorite meal as long as you keep a check on the total calorie count.
  • Time Period: It is always advised to diet for a result in the long run. Skipping meals starting Monday to get your body in check for Friday’s photo shoot is not a viable option.

Starches are advised: Fats and starches are not the same thing. Starches are carbohydrates and our body can assimilate carbohydrates to good use and they should be consumed.
