Lip Biting

Biting your lip from time to time isn’t a problem. However, in some cases, people are unable to control the habit, and it becomes what’s known as a body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB).


Stress and anxiety are the most popular causes related to lip biting. In some cases it could also be due to a dental condition.


If your lip biting feels more accidental than forced consult a dentist. If you subconioulsy bite it to relieve stress or gain some sense of pleasure you might have a BFRB.


Becoming conscious of the behavior is definitely the first step..

Other treatment options include:

•          Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

•          Relaxation Techniques

•          Prescription Sedatives

•          Mouth Guards

•          Chewing Gum Instead


When lip biting is persistent, it can lead to complications in some cases. These include:

•          Redness

•          Inflammation

•          Painful Sores

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