Late Night Dinners

Many of us are not aware of the dangers of late night dinners. The midnight snacking in itself is dangerous at times and even unhealthy. According to science, we must have dinner 3 hours before we go to sleep. Only a very small margin of us actually follows this. Going to sleep as soon as you have dinner affects your digestion. When you sleep your body does not function in an optimal condition it slows down all of the processes including the digestion process. Studies have shown that eating late night also affects your memory it has been found that mice that eat during normal sleep time had a significant decline in memory and the genetics of mice are very similar to that of humans. Even without all these scientific reasons and explanations one just needs to think back of the nightmares they had when they had a midnight snack. Most of the weird dreams we get are as a direct result of the lack of digestion. This lack of digestion also causes weight gain and decreased metabolism rates.
