India’s Rising Numbers

Contrary to popular opinion, medical tourism has been present in our humble nation for quite a long while and for the right reasons as well. India stands second in Asia regarding the number of foreign visitors that come mainly for medical care. These numbers are only going to increase considering the inevitable advantages India has with respect to medical tourism. Today let us figure out why a good chunk of the world population prefers India

The entire medical tourism market currently is estimated to be valued at nearly 5 billion and according to the reports of 2017 India hosts roughly 3 million tourists worldwide. The reason why a lot of people choose India is because of the professionals who are extremely skilled and also most of the medical firms make use of the latest in cutting-edge technology and a good majority of these medical professionals including the medical staff also speak English very well which is considered the international language when it comes to the field of healthcare. The other added advantage India has is there it is also renowned for several alternative medicines including but not limited to Ayurveda which is considered as the first-ever medical practice ever and it has its roots in our humble nation.

The proficient understanding of the above-mentioned facts add to the increasing influx of tourists that aim for medical tourism in Kerala and one of the very first steps that need to be implemented is the use of medical disposables such as probe covers into the general system of health care.
