How to effectively combat a Hang Over

Let me start off by saying that drinking is injurious to your health and if any of my readers are in the habit try to quit as soon as possible, but there is no point in crying over spilled milk and what is done is done so the next time you have a hangover try these tips

•             Hydrate yourself: Alcohol drains your body of most of its water content so always wake up to a glass of water and ensure you drink plenty in short periods by noon itself.

•             Coffee: Caffeine can both treat as well as cure headaches depending on the type of person you are. If caffeine can snap you out, a morning cup will be most helpful

•             Breakfast: Sometimes you fell with nausea or sometimes it might be an intolerable hunger which ever it is, only have adequate food for breakfast and try to consume food filled with Carbohydrates.

•             Medication: A personal choice that I wouldn’t recommend but sometimes pain killers are the only thing that can heal you from your hangover. Sometimes even Vitamin tablets are enough

•             Sex: One of my favorite remedies, a quick work out with your partner tires the body but it’s like hitting the reset button and you are instantaneously cured from your hang over after a shower.

•             ‘Hair of the Dog’: It’s just a phrase, sometimes a sip of alcohol in the morning when you are hung over is enough to vitalize your body back to its normal standards.

•             Prevention: This is a sure fire remedy, you can’t get hung-over if you never drank last night to begin with.
