Pulse Oximeter: Essential Things to Know
July 19,2021
Food Poisoning is caused by bacteria, viruses or other toxins in food. The symptoms include nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Some useful home remedies include:
• Ginger: 1 cup of ginger tea boiled for few minutes sired with honey helps in the nausea sensation
• Apple Cider Vinegar: A mixture of 2 table spoon Apple Cider Vinegar in a cup of hot water has an alkali effect and helps in metabolizing the body.
• Lemon: A pinch of sugar to one teaspoon of lemon juice and drinking it twice or thrice a day will help kill bacteria that cause food poisoning.
• Garlic: Consuming one garlic clove with water has strong anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties that help in fighting food poisoning.
• Banana: The tasty fruit is rich in potassium and helps in digestion.
• Honey: A teaspoon of honey two or three times a day can help heal an upset stomach.