Home Made Remedies to Increase Appetite


Loss of appetite is alarmingly becoming a major issue among the general populous and they effect without division of age, caste, creed, ethnicity or sex. Today let us discuss on some home remedies to improve one’s appetite.

•       Ginger: It works wonders for relieving indigestion and stimulating appetite

•       Indian Gooseberry: Also known as amla improves the functioning of the digestive track and helps detoxifies the liver

•       Black Pepper: It is considered an Ayurvedic remedy that stimulates taste buds and even improves digestion. It improves appetite and treats gastrointestinal problems as well.

•       Cardamom: it increases appetite by stimulating the digestive juices and also is good for relieving acidity.

•       Garlic: It is an effective home remedy for the treatment of loss of appetite.

•       Tamarind: In additional to increasing one’s appetite it also has carminative and laxative effects
