Health benefits of water melon seeds.

In this hot summer, one always checks the local vendors for a fresh glass of water melon juice or if at home cut open the big fruit, but the one thing we instinctively do is to throw away the seeds. In today’s edition let us discuss on the health benefits of water melon seeds.

· Fights Diabetes: The seeds contain magnesium which help regulate the blood sugar levels and also it has high quantities of amino acid that relaxes blood vessels.

· Controls Blood Pressure: The seeds contain arginine which regulate blood pressure and also treat heart diseases.

· Muscle: They contain L-citrulline which is an important nutrient in repairing and maintaining muscle mass.

· Body fat: The citruline present in the seeds metabolizes the amino acid arginine which reduces the rate at which the body stores mass.

· Improves Brain Functioning: The seeds contain ‘folate’ also called folic acid or vitamin B9 which improves memory and reasoning skills.

· Glowing Skin: The vitamin C present in the skin protects the skin against any radical damage and fights aging to a good degree.

