Pulse Oximeter: Essential Things to Know
July 19,2021
I recall a time when I was little, where my mom used to complain to my neighbors about how I never stay at home and always used to dirty by clothes and get bruises and what not. Of course these are all mom issues all of us have faced. But this is not a present day factor as most kids prefer and have been taught to play indoors. Technology has advanced leaps and bounds so much that we can avail for anything in this world at the click of our fingertips and even have it brought to our very doorstep. Tablets and mobile phones have not only replaced alarm clocks, watches and calendars but even physical activity.
Most of my young cousins prefer playing football in their playstations rather than in real life. They prefer to watch videos rather than make them. Of course one can argue that this is the safe alternative when it comes to bruises and stitches but there are significant health benefits one misses upon such as
• Physical Fitness
• Mental Health
• Intellectual Development
• Social Development
• Promotes Social Skills
• Increases Attention Span
• Promotes Independence
So a personal suggestion of meditour is to allow your young ones to go outside and if they are not interested a bit of persuasion goes a long way.