Dry Skin

Dry skin is an uncomfortable condition marked by scaling, itching, and cracking. It can develop on any part of your body. It’s most likely to affect your hands, arms, and legs.


•          Irritant Contact: It develops when your skin reacts to something it touches, causing localized inflammation

•          Allergic Contact: It develops when your skin is exposed to a substance you’re allergic

•          Seborrheic: It occurs when your skin produces too much oil. It results in a red and scaly rash, usually on your scalp

•          Atopic: It’s a chronic skin condition that causes dry scaly patches to appear on your skin


The treatment plan will depend on the cause of your dry skin. You may have to refer to a dermatologist for serious issues. Prescription of ointments, creams, or lotions along with lifestyle remedies should do the trick.

Lifestyle Remedies

•          avoid using hot water to take a shower

•          shower every alternate day instead of every day

•          reduce your shower time to less than 10 minutes

•          Prefer a moisturizing soap when you bathe

•          apply a moisturizer immediately after showering

•          pat, rather than rub, wet skin dry with a soft towel

•          avoid itching or scrubbing the dry skin patches

•          drink plenty of water

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