Device Use and its Consequences

Recent Study has revealed that there are 7.22 Billion hand held devices in the world. This number is astounding when you compare the fact that the total human population is at 7.6 Billion. People are even sleeping with their mobile phones now-a-days and it is without comprehending the ill effects of these smart phones. Today let us check their health hazards

•     Male Infertility: The excessive exposure to radiation can cause the infertility among the male populous. Infertility could rise from less sperm count or from less speed of the swimmers. Studies have shown that both these are by products of the radiation effect of Mobile phones

•     Tumor: Studies reveal that the micro radiations from the mobile phone are among a major cause for the formation of both primary and secondary tumors in the body. The likely areas that can be hit by tumor are the brain and the spinal cord. The effects of radiation are highest in these areas.

•     Hearing Disability: Constant use of the phone with earphones can cause the degradation of one’s hearing ability. The sight of youngsters having some sort of device on their ear is a common sight.

•     Fetus defects: Excess use of mobile phones during one’s pregnancy might cause some sort of disability in the unborn baby according to study.


