Joint pain is one of the most common physical ailments in most adults. Thanks to a fast and fussy modern lifestyle joint pain has started to plague even teenagers today. Joints connect the bones and aid in the body movement. They support and balance your body. These are also one of the easily damaged parts of human body. Any injury or damage to the joints causes us severe pain and discomfort. There are tons of conditions related to a painful joint like arthritis, bursitis, strains and sprains etc. There are no immediate cures for joint pain in modern medicine and some can only be treated with surgery


The reasons for painful joint ranges from obesity to injuries. People who engage in sports or strenuous physical activities for most of their life have a good chance of faulty joints in the middle age. One of the reasons for early joint pain is obesity and lack of exercise. Improper use of joints also leads to breakage or wearing out of tendons. Diet and lifestyle also makes its own contribution. Chronic worriers and people who lead a mostly stressful life also have a good chance of developing joint pain.


Many ayurvedic texts prescribe natural remedies for the treatment of joint pain. Certain herbs have anti-inflammatory medicinal properties. Intake of these may strengthen your bones and joints. Though it’s important to treat conditions like arthritis the `proper’ way, one can include more natural remedies for a better chance of fighting joint pain.

1. Eucalyptus The oil of Eucalyptus is used in the manufacture of many ayurvedic extracts. It’s also used in medications for arthritis pain. The plant contains a natural substance called tannin, which is found to reduce swelling in the knees. Applying heatpads containing warm water mixed with eucalyptus leaves is good for swollen joints.

2. Aloe Vera Aloe Vera is a herb with a lots of medicinal values. You must be already familiar with its application for good hair and soft skin. Aloe Vera gel is not only good for hair and skin, but can be a great for applying to aching joints. Oral ingestion of Aloe vera is also found to reduce high blood sugar levels and gastric problems.

3. Ginger Ginger is the most readily available spice with the most amount of medicinal value. It has good anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to treat joint swelling. Ginger has great healing properties and is recommended by ayurvedic physicians for most of the ailments concerning joints.
