Authoritarian Personality

They say that Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. If history is anything to go by, then there could not be a more accurate statement of human beings. It was in 1950 that Harper and Row published a book that had all the earmarks of a blockbuster in the field of psychology. In it they described the Authoritarian Personality Type. Just like the name suggests it reflects a desire for security, order, power, and status, with a craving for structured lines of authority, a conventional set of values or outlook, a demand for unquestioning obedience, and a tendency to be hostile toward or use as scapegoats individuals of minority or nontraditional groups. The elements of the Authoritarian personality type are:

•          Blind allegiance to conventional beliefs about right and wrong

•          Respect for submission to acknowledged authority

•          Belief in aggression toward those who do not subscribe to conventional thinking, or who are different

•          A negative view of people in general - i.e. the belief that people would all lie, cheat or steal if given the opportunity

•          A need for strong leadership which displays uncompromising power

•          A belief in simple answers and polemics - i.e. The media controls us all or The source of all our problems is the loss of morals these days.

•          Resistance to creative, dangerous ideas. A black and white worldview.

•          A tendency to project one's own feelings of inadequacy, rage and fear onto a scapegoated group

•          A preoccupation with violence and sex

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