
Anorexia is a psychological and possibly life-threatening eating disorder in which a person has extremely low body weight relative to his Body Mass Index.


There are basically 2 types of Anorexia

•          Purge Type: The person has an overwhelming feeling of guilt when he/she eats and would react negatively by vomiting, abusing laxatives, or excessively exercising.

•          Restrictive: The person would fiercely limit the quantity of food consumed well below their body’s caloric needs and in effect slowly starving himself or herself.


Anorexia has mainly 2 causes Environmental and Biological

1.        Environmental

•          Professions and careers that promote being thin

•          Peer pressure among friends and co-workers to be thin

•          Family and childhood traumas


2.        Biological

•          Genetics

•          Irregular hormone functions

•          Nutritional deficiencies




•          Medical: One must address any and all serious health issues that arise due to anorexia

•          Nutritional: A person affected should be educated about normal eating patterns and diets

•          Therapy: To help the patient move from past traumatic life events and lead a healthy life.

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