Alcohol tolerance

Let me start off by saying alcohol consumption is injurious to one's health and it is by no means agreed upon or promoted in this edition.


It's very likely that your drinking patterns have changed over time. What started as a fun activity with selected friends could now have changed because of the demands of your career and family. When we start drinking on a regular basis the amount of alcohol that we need to get the same level of buzz eventually starts increasing. This is termed as tolerance and it could creep up without even noticing.


The fundamental problem is that people look at  drinking in general as black and white it is either accepted or frowned upon there is no middle ground. One believes that you can only have a good night out after having a few drinks. As long as you are not dependent, you can get your mind and body back on track. You can 'reset' your whole system and turn back the clock on tolerance by having an alcohol free period. 1 to 2 weeks of alcohol free time is more than sufficient in its initial stage. Overall your body will feel a whole lot better and your next glass will have pent up enjoyment. What could possibly be better?
