The first bit of information people should be aware is that HIV is the virus and AIDS is the medical condition. The HIV virus attacks the T-cells in the immune system and slowly but surely weakens it and eventually shuts it down. It is also very much possible to be infected with HIV and not develop AIDS. The main mode of transmission of AIDS is via sexual transmission. It may also be transmitted by an infected mother to her unborn baby or by blood transfusion. The HIV virus in the absence of the drug therapy – Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) slows down the growth of new viruses. The symptoms of the disease may not be showcased for several months or even years. What people should be made aware is that AIDS or HIV cannot be spread from

  • Touch or Casual contact
  • Casual kissing
  • Sneezing
  • Sharing towels and cutlery

At present there is no cure for HIV or AIDS, although there exists several treatments to provide opportunity to the infected individuals to live a long and healthy life. Prevention is the only method and the precautions that needs to be followed are to avoid unprotected sex, needle sharing among many others.





