Leg shaking

Those from middle class family would most definitely have had scoldings from your elders for shaking your leg while sitting down.

This near Involuntary action is as a result of several factors such as:

1. Concentration: Human psychology States that when a particularly difficult problem arises people often shake their legs this is because the area of the brain that controls cognitive actions and motor functions overlap with one another. Therefore when we do simple motion such as shaking your leg we are able to think faster and more effectively.

2. Restlessness: Some people can easily get bored if the situation isn't stimulating enough for them and as a result of this boredom they shake their legs.

3. Analeptics: Those under the influence of Analeptics or stimulants such as caffeine or nicotine are bound to feel agitated or even anxious while in a sitting position.


Yoga, physical exercise and other physical activities to a good degree helps to fight this condition. If the severity is too much one can try medications. Dopaminergic agents are among the first choice. If the shaking of legs is due to increased adrenaline, one can try simple exercises, short periods of running or swimming or any other activity that takes up that excess adrenaline.

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